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4. Activity Parameters


At the end of this section the user should be able to describe what each of the different activity parameters represents.

Five activity parameters

In the standard report five parameters describing motor activity are available:

  1. Time Active
  2. Distance
  3. Area
  4. Microevents
  5. Motion Simplicity

These parameters are recorded by the infrared camera at a rate of 50 times per second. Since the parameters Area and Distance have high predictive value for ADHD and are easy to display graphically, we recommend that you primarily focus on these activity parameters when you are discussing the QbTest results with your patients and colleagues.

Information on Time Active and Microevents will be found in the Intermediate Training module.

  • Distance is the total distance travelled by the reflective marker during the test and it is reported in metres
  • Area is reported in square centimetres and represents the spatial distribution of the distance travelled during the test, that is, how much the patient moves into the space around him. More vivid, noticeable movements will cover a larger area, generating a higher score, whereas smaller, more discreet movements will cover a smaller area and may not be obvious to most observers
  • Motion Simplicity indicates the type of movements the patient is making and is expressed as a percent. The simpler the movements (e.g. close to a straight line) of the patient, the higher the Motion Simplicity score.