
The most up-to-date thinking on ADHD from research, diagnosis to treatment and management

16 Jul

QbTest featured in draft guidance by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence

In a significant development for the world of ADHD diagnosis and management, the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) has...
11 Jul

Risks of using ADHD tests without FDA clearance in your service

FDA clearance is a formal recognition by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that a medical device is licensed for...
10 Jul

Why I switched to QbTest for ADHD testing at my clinic

1-minute summary: ADHD can often be a complex diagnosis to navigate. Board-certified psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner and founder of...
09 Jul

Gamified ADHD tests can skew your patient’s results

It’s incredibly important when measuring ADHD that the test is in no way fun or engaging – which is known...
17 Jun

Effective communication strategies when assessing people with ADHD

When clinicians talk through the diagnostic results for an evaluation, people with ADHD may get overwhelmed easily and have distractibility...
05 Jun

Community highlight: Celebrate Difference

Nicola, founder of non-profit ADHD social enterprise Celebrate Difference, shares how the service started and the important role the ADHD...
20 May

Which subjective measures should I use alongside objective ADHD tests?

A robust ADHD assessment process is one that combines objective and subjective measures to get a balanced and holistic understanding...
20 May

Understanding our normative database for ADHD testing

Our FDA-cleared ADHD tests QbTest and QbCheck use a normative database to benchmark test results. The normative database allows you...
20 May

Preparing your patients for an objective ADHD test

It’s natural for patients to be nervous about a medical evaluation, especially if they are expecting a potential diagnosis. Most people...
14 May

Integrating objective ADHD tests into your clinical pathway

Making changes to your ADHD care pathway can be positive for both your clinic and patients. An effective pathway can...
13 May

A clinical perspective: Navigating romantic relationships with ADHD

1-minute read: What makes for a successful relationship? Honest communication, understanding, patience, and attention are a few things that come...
30 Apr

Benefits and challenges of virtual ADHD testing

Disclaimer: This is a quick reference guide and is in no way a substitute for clinical training. The purpose of...