
The most up-to-date thinking on ADHD from research, diagnosis to treatment and management

 Category: ADHD News

16 Jul

QbTest featured in draft guidance by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence

In a significant development for the world of ADHD diagnosis and management, the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) has...
11 Jul

Risks of using ADHD tests without FDA clearance in your service

FDA clearance is a formal recognition by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that a medical device is licensed for...
09 Jul

Gamified ADHD tests can skew your patient’s results

It’s incredibly important when measuring ADHD that the test is in no way fun or engaging – which is known...
13 May

A clinical perspective: Navigating romantic relationships with ADHD

1-minute read: What makes for a successful relationship? Honest communication, understanding, patience, and attention are a few things that come...
08 Apr

A mission in Australia and New Zealand: Improve the lives of those with ADHD

ADHD is one of the most common mental health conditions in Australia. The country is now believed to have the...
20 Mar

Announcing QbChampions in the UK & Ireland

What is a QbChampion? The QbChampion is an important role. We ask services around the UK and Ireland to nominate...
14 Mar

Exploring the evolution of CPT and ADHD

Throughout my decade-long journey in the medical field, it never fails to amaze me the number of healthcare professionals still...
19 Feb

Watch: What happens if we do nothing about ADHD?

1-minute summary: There can be serious socio-economic impacts if ADHD goes untreated or undiagnosed. Children and adults with ADHD can...
15 Jan

Objective testing is a consistent tool across child and adult ADHD services

The transition from childhood to adulthood presents unique challenges in diagnosing and managing ADHD. Most diagnostic tools fail to capture...
12 Dec

Predicting ADHD trends in 2024: Transforming diagnosis & treatment

In the ever-evolving landscape of ADHD diagnosis and treatment, 2024 promises to continue to bring positive changes. Clinical Team Manager...
04 Dec

5 core themes to help the roll out of successful healthcare innovations

The process for an ADHD diagnosis can include many steps because of a surge in patients and subjective reports from...
21 Nov

McCall Letterle on the Women & ADHD podcast

I was recently invited to speak on the Women and ADHD podcast, hosted by Katy Weber. The series explores the...