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10. Interpretation – Quiz

QbUser Interpretation - Quiz

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Disclaimer: QbTest is for professional use only. Professionals are defined for this purpose as individuals with relevant qualifications, licences, authorisation or similar, working with those being identified, assessed or treated for ADHD. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that QbTest is utilised in accordance with its indications.

1. QbTest is best utilized when used as:

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As a complement to information from rating scales and a clinical interview.

QbTest should never be used as a stand-alone tool and should not be used to replace clinical judgement. QbTest is used to objectively measure the three core symptoms of ADHD- hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsivity, and should always be used together with rating scales and a clinical interview when making a clinical decision.

2. Which of the symbols are targets in the sequence below?
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3. Which types of scores reported in QbTest are not based on age and gender?

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4. What does the parameter Distance measure?

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Distance is the total distance travelled by the reflective marker during the test and it is reported in meters.

Area represents the spatial distribution of the distance travelled during the test, that is, how much the patient moves within the space around them (choice b). Motion Simplicity indicates the type of movements the patient is making (choice a).

5. What is Reaction Time Variation?

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Reaction Time Variation is the standard deviation of Reaction Time, and measures how consistent a patient’s response time is over the duration of the test. High Reaction Time Variation scores may reflect difficulties with sustaining attention, forgetfulness, disorganization, and/or careless errors. Reaction Time and Reaction Time Variation carry the greatest weight in the calculation of the QbInattention score for both QbTest (6-12) and QbTest (12-60).

6. How should the Q-score of 1.2 be interpreted?

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7. A test profile with more commission errors than correct answers in the beginning of the test may indicate:

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8. Which of the three statements below concerning the cardinal parameters QbActivity, QbInattention and QbImpulsivity is not correct?

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The Cardinal parameters are not based on the performance during the entire test. The Cardinal parameters QbActivity and QbInattention are based on the performance in quartile 3 and quartile 4, and QbImpulsivity is based on performance in quartiles 2 through quartile 4.

9. Please classify the following test profile according to the definitions below:

Normal profile: A test profile that you view as a normal performance and most likely not the result of symptoms associated with ADHD.

Inattentive profile: An atypical performance primarily indicating difficulties with sustained attention.

Hyp/Imp profile: An atypical performance indicating problems with regulation of motor activity and impulsivity.

Combined profile: An atypical performance indicating difficulties in all three domains measured by the test; Hyperactivity, Inattention, and Impulsivity.

Read the profile belonging to a 7 year old girl below.

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Distance and Area are in the slightly atypical range (1.4). Reaction Time Variation (one of the most important parameters for inattention in children) as well as Commission Errors and Anticipatory Errors (both indicating impulsivity) are above the cut off for atypical.

10. Please classify the following test profile according to the definitions below:

Normal profile: A test profile that you view as a normal performance and most likely not the result of symptoms associated with ADHD.

Inattentive profile: An atypical performance primarily indicating difficulties with sustained attention.

Hyp/Imp profile: An atypical performance indicating problems with regulation of motor activity and impulsivity.

Combined profile: An atypical performance indicating difficulties in all three domains measured by the test; Hyperactivity, Inattention, and Impulsivity.

Read the profile belonging to a 45 year old male below.

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The score for all activity measures are within normal range (≤1.0 Q-score). The parameter Omission Errors was somewhat elevated but no clear indication of inattention. Only one Commission Error was made.

11. Please classify the following test profile according to the definitions below:

Normal profile: A test profile that you view as a normal performance and most likely not the result of symptoms associated with ADHD.

Inattentive profile: An atypical performance primarily indicating difficulties with sustained attention.

Hyp/Imp profile: An atypical performance indicating problems with regulation of motor activity and impulsivity.

Combined profile: An atypical performance indicating difficulties in all three domains measured by the test; Hyperactivity, Inattention, and Impulsivity.

Read the profile belonging to a 8 year old boy below.

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The activity measures shows an atypical performance (Time Active 1.7, Distance 1.6), and Area shows a Slightly Atypical performance (1.4), indicating difficulties Reaction Time Variation (2.8) and Omission Errors (2.1) are above the cut off for Atypical, as well as Commission Errors (1.8) and Anticipatory errors (1.8).Taken together, this patient’s performance indicates difficulties with hyperactivity, but also difficulties to sustain attention during the test and that he is impulsive . This altogether shows difficulties in all three measures, indicating a combined profile.

12. Please classify the following test profile according to the definitions below:

Normal profile: A test profile that you view as a normal performance and most likely not the result of symptoms associated with ADHD.

Inattentive profile: An atypical performance primarily indicating difficulties with sustained attention.

Hyp/Imp profile: An atypical performance indicating problems with regulation of motor activity and impulsivity.

Combined profile: An atypical performance indicating difficulties in all three domains measured by the test; Hyperactivity, Inattention, and Impulsivity.

Read the profile belonging to a 27 year old male below.

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There are no indications of hyperactivity- only one activity measure, Area, is slightly elevated (1.2). Also very few Commission Errors are made. Although, Reaction Time Variation and Omission Errors are above cut off for Atypical (≥1.5 Q-score) indicating a variability in reaction time together with many missed targets. This indicates problems with attention and indicates an inattentive profile.

13. Please classify the following test profile according to the definitions below:

Normal profile: A test profile that you view as a normal performance and most likely not the result of symptoms associated with ADHD.

Inattentive profile: An atypical performance primarily indicating difficulties with sustained attention.

Hyp/Imp profile: An atypical performance indicating problems with regulation of motor activity and impulsivity.

Combined profile: An atypical performance indicating difficulties in all three domains measured by the test; Hyperactivity, Inattention, and Impulsivity.

Read the profile belonging to a 13 year old girl below.

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Both Distance and Area show Atypical performance (≥1.5). Reaction Time Variation and Omission Errors, are above cut off for Atypical (<1.5), Reaction time is also Slightly Atypical (1.2). This indicates a patient who struggles with sustained attention during the task, alongside with a high level of activity. Commission Errors are also above cut off for Atypical (>1.5), which shows difficulties in all three symptom areas and indicates a combined profile.

14. Please classify the following test profile according to the definitions below:

Normal profile: A test profile that you view as a normal performance and most likely not the result of symptoms associated with ADHD.

Inattentive profile: An atypical performance primarily indicating difficulties with sustained attention.

Hyp/Imp profile: An atypical performance indicating problems with regulation of motor activity and impulsivity.

Combined profile: An atypical performance indicating difficulties in all three domains measured by the test; Hyperactivity, Inattention, and Impulsivity.

Read the profile belonging to a 16 year old male below.

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Distance and Area are within normal range (< 1.1). All inattention and impulsivity parameters were also within normal range.

15. Please classify the following test profile according to the definitions below:

Normal profile: A test profile that you view as a normal performance and most likely not the result of symptoms associated with ADHD.

Inattentive profile: An atypical performance primarily indicating difficulties with sustained attention.

Hyp/Imp profile: An atypical performance indicating problems with regulation of motor activity and impulsivity.

Combined profile: An atypical performance indicating difficulties in all three domains measured by the test; Hyperactivity, Inattention, and Impulsivity.

Read the profile belonging to a 8 year old girl below.

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All parameters are within normal range. Several Commission Errors observed during the first half of the test but none in the second half which is a pattern inconsistent with most ADHD profiles, where performance often deteriorates over time.

16. Please classify the following test profile according to the definitions below:

Normal profile: A test profile that you view as a normal performance and most likely not the result of symptoms associated with ADHD.

Inattentive profile: An atypical performance primarily indicating difficulties with sustained attention.

Hyp/Imp profile: An atypical performance indicating problems with regulation of motor activity and impulsivity.

Combined profile: An atypical performance indicating difficulties in all three domains measured by the test; Hyperactivity, Inattention, and Impulsivity.

Read the profile belonging to a 16 year old girl below.

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The Q-scores for Distance and Area are both Atypical (≥1.5). The majority of the Commission Errors (2.4) were performed during the second half of the test which is common in the performance of individuals with ADHD on this test. However, all inattention parameters were within normal range indicating primary problems with hyperactivity and impulsivity.

17. Please classify the following test profile according to the definitions below:

Normal profile: A test profile that you view as a normal performance and most likely not the result of symptoms associated with ADHD.

Inattentive profile: An atypical performance primarily indicating difficulties with sustained attention.

Hyp/Imp profile: An atypical performance indicating problems with regulation of motor activity and impulsivity.

Combined profile: An atypical performance indicating difficulties in all three domains measured by the test; Hyperactivity, Inattention, and Impulsivity.

Read the profile belonging to a 15 year old girl below.

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Reaction Time Variation and Omission Errors are above the cut off for Atypical (>1.5). However, there are few Commission Errors and activity parameters are in the normal range. As Reaction Time Variation and Omission Errors are important indicators of attention, these results are consistent with inattention.

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