
The most up-to-date thinking on ADHD from research, diagnosis to treatment and management

Sherri Hutchinson

Sherri is a business development team manager based in Massachusetts with more than 20 years of clinical experience and a master’s degree in psychology. She is an advocate of mental health and aims to use her work to improve the lives of individuals living with ADHD.

In her free time, Sherri enjoys traveling with her husband. When at home, you can often find her engaged in a mystery book or movie.

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Sherri Hutchinson

Blogs written by: Sherri Hutchinson

11 Jul

Risks of using ADHD tests without FDA clearance in your service

FDA clearance is a formal recognition by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that a medical device is licensed for...
26 Sep

ADHD Awareness Month: Squashing 4 harmful misconceptions

October is ADHD Awareness Month – a time for us to learn more about the neurodevelopmental disorder and how it...
29 Jan

A day in the life of a clinical advisor

Our team of clinical advisors supports clinicians to get the best outcomes for their patients. So, what do they get...
21 Sep

Follow up ADHD care in the United States

ADHD is one of the most common and impairing psychiatric disorders affecting children, with an estimated 13% of children enrolled...
16 Nov

Early diagnosis of ADHD means the right support & treatment

1-minute summary: Early identification of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) means that the right support and treatment can be provided...