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4. The Retest/Treatment Report – Patient

The Retest Report – Patient, is similar in appearance and layout to the Assessment Report-Patient.

However, instead of the test taker’s performance on QbTest being compared to the normative group, the data on this report compares the test taker’s performance on two different QbTests.

This can be quite useful to have the conversations with the test taker’s and their families regarding whether treatment is working or not (if the tests were conducted pre- and post-treatment) or to look at severity of symptoms over time when comparing a test taker’s performance over two tests conducted at different ages, for example.

Important Notes

Q-scores vs. Percentiles

When comparing the scores between two different test occasions (or even evaluating performance within a single test between different parameters or quartiles) we recommend that you utilize the Q-scores, rather than percentiles.

Q-scores are more sensitive to change, compared to percentiles, when there is a high level of impairment. For example,

consider the example of a test taker whose Q-score for QbActivity at their baseline test was 4.5 which falls at the 99th percentile and in the Atypical range. If that individual was prescribed medication, retested and their Q-score at follow-up decreased to 2.1, this would be considered significant improvement clinically. However, that Q-score of 2.1. is still at the 99th percentile.

This can be slightly misleading in that, by using Q-scores, we can see there has been a clinically significant improvement on medication (although activity levels are still not optimally controlled), but if we were evaluating treatment efficacy by using percentiles, given that he would still be in the 99th percentile, one may question whether there has been no improvement/change at all.

By using Q-scores, we can see that is the test taker’s performance has improved significantly, but we would miss that information if we were solely looking at percentiles.


This is the last chapter in the course Intermediate QbTest Interpretation. You may now take the quiz to complete this module and obtain your certificate of completion. This will allow you both to administer QbTest, as well as access the QAT to retrieve patient reports.

Upon passing the test, you will be certified by Qbtech to interpret QbTest reports and use the results as part of the assessment and treatment follow up of ADHD.

The best way to enhance your understanding of how to interpret QbTest reports is to attempt them yourself and make use of our Clinical Advisors’ support. After you have attempted to interpret your patients’ reports yourself, please feel free to schedule consultation calls with our Clinical Advisors to discuss your cases.

After looking at the report(s) yourself, make sure to note any questions you may have about the reports, areas of concern or points you need clarified, etc. prior to your appointment.