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Welcome to QbUser

Welcome to the new QbUser website. If you have any questions about the new features, email us:

Welcome to QbUser, the E-learning platform for QbTest customers. Please note there are 3 Modules that you can complete:


How do I know which modules I need to complete?

If you will be responsible for only the administration of QbTest to patients and will never interpret the results of a QbTest or a QbTest report, you need to complete the Administration Module only, and pass the test following completion of that module.

If you will be responsible for interpreting QbTest reports and/or results in the assessment, diagnosis or treatment follow up, you will need to complete all 3 modules, and pass the tests that follow each module.

If you are still unsure of which modules you need to complete, please contact your Qbtech Clinical Advisor directly.

Once you have completed the necessary course(s), your user account will be activated and you will be able administer QbTest from the QbTest system at your site, as well as access the QbTest Administration Tool (QAT).



Interpretation (intermediate)