The process for an ADHD diagnosis can include many steps because of a surge in patients and subjective…
QbTest for monitoring medication treatment response in ADHD: A systematic review (2023)
Clinical Practice & Epidemiology in Mental Health (Gustafsson, U. & Hansen, M.) View

QbTest in the clinical assessment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: A review of the evidence (2023)
Mental Health Science (Gustafsson, U. & Hansen, M.) View

What impact is the ADHD medication shortage having on patients and clinicians?
There is currently a global shortage of three types of ADHD medication following a combination of manufacturing issues…

Improved clinical efficiency in ADHD evaluations: a closer look at the Netherlands
1-minute summary: Objective testing can provide time and cost savings for ADHD evaluation. Research by ADHD specialists such…

QbTest bespaart Nederlandse specialisten tijd en geld bij ADHD diagnostiek
Korte samenvatting: Objectieve tests kunnen tijd en geld besparen bij ADHD diagnostiek. Uit onderzoek door ADHD experts zoals…

The clinical utility of QbTest in supporting the assessment and monitoring of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): what do pediatricians need to know? (2023)
Paediatrics and Child Health (Hall, C. L., Bellato, A., Kirk, J. D., & Hollis, C.) View

ADHD Awareness Month: Squashing 4 harmful misconceptions
October is ADHD Awareness Month – a time for us to learn more about the neurodevelopmental disorder and…

Why should I switch to QbTest?
QbTest is a market-leading objective ADHD test, supported by over 35 independent research studies and trusted by clinicians…

Contrasting expectancy effects with objective measures in adults with untreated ADHD during QbTest (2023)
Scandanavian Journal of Psychology (Löhman, M., Domingo, B., Östlund, M. & Jansson, L.) View